Principal Walker (Joel Someone) is busy in his office when a student, Charlotte (Zerella Skies) asks to speak with him for a moment. Principal Walker welcomes her in with a smile and offers her his full attention. Principal Walker respects Charlotte, her being student president and a straight-A student. She’s a natural leader, and Principal Walker is glad to give such a model student the time of day. Charlotte tells Principal Walker what’s on her mind. She has come here today to criticize a rule where teachers are not able to discuss trans/LGBTQ+ topics with students. She recounts a recent experience where her sex-ed teacher appeared unable to discuss these issues with her class, even though there was a student who was dating a trans person from another school and could have used some information on the topic. Charlotte recounts how after the class’ encouragement, the teacher opened up and even shared aspects of her OWN trans journey. All the students felt more empowered because of it. As Charlotte speaks, she doesn’t notice Principal Walker grow more and more agitated. Whatever calm and welcoming demeanor he had at the start of this discussion evaporates with every word Charlotte utters. When Charlotte reveals a signed petition against the rule in question that she wants Principal Walker to bring to the school board, he dismisses it. Instead, he calls Ms. Peters, Charlotte’s sex-ed teacher, to his office with the intent to discipline her…
Actors: Kasey Kei / Zerella Skies
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